* DREAMS - 2001
06/14/2001 - I saw a big castle and I went inside. I turned to the right and saw a little old short man with wirey gray hair and a beard. He was sitting at a table and a balance scale on the table. And he had rubies and other jewels. I looked at my left hand and I saw some gold coins. And I tried to give them to him and he said I dont want your money. I need you to help build the Kingdom of God. I turned and started to walk away, and he said his name in Greek and then in English he said, he was Moses. And the dream ended.
* DREAMS - 2002
08/12/2002 - I dreamed I was asked to minister at a church. When my husband and I arrived the men of the church became angry about me being a woman and what I looked like. They were dressed as priests from the Catholic Church. They surrounded me and where screaming things at me. My husband Mike stepped in the midst and was circling me to protect me from the crowd of men. I began to preach against their sins of idolatry and blasphemy of the the Catholic Church.
* DREAMS - 2003
07/04/2003 - I had a dream that I was standing at the corner of our property looking toward our house. I saw a bulldozer level our home. The grass turned over and I saw rich red soil. I bent down and picked up the soil and let it run through my fingers. I noticed there was no footprints where I stepped on the soil. I then saw a building rise up out of the grown where our house once stood. There was no windows or doors. There was no name on this building, but i knew it was a church.
* DREAMS - 2004
01/28/2004 - I dreamed Prince Charles was at a 75th Celebration and when he went to lift his glass for the toast he was blown up. I walked over to the huge hole in the floor and there laid his body dead.
03/28/2004 - I dreamed I was heading to pick up a friend in Texas. I found myself in a line where people were being scanned to enter through a large gate like fence. The top of the fence was barwire. Inside were rooms, like a motel but not as nice. In the room I was in was a Man and a Woman. I asked her if she wanted to go with me to pick up my friend. She said yes. I went to my friends house but I was by myself. When I got there she was not at home. I drove down the road it was becoming dark out. The vehicle I was driving broke down. I leaned on the stirring wheel and looked up through the windshield at the sky. I saw like a pillar of black smoke expanding like a explosion and it covered a ball of fire. It was because of this smoke that it became dark. It was the sun behind it. I got out of my vehicle and immediately I saw this beast type animal. It favorered a dog or wolf but was not. It had white fur. I laid on the ground in some tall weeds so it could not see me. I then went down to a old house and went inside. My husband, Mike and son, Brandon were with me. We were wanting to call for help, but no one answers the door, so we went inside. As we set in the living area we saw a door open to another room, perhaps a bedroom. We became greatly afraid of who was going to step through the door. I knew it was going to be a man, but I could not see what he looked like. The fear was enormous we all felt. Right before his face was revealed I awoke from the dream.
06/21/2004 - I had 3 dreams in one and never woke up between the dreams. The first part of the dream I was with my daughter in a building. There was lots of people there. I turned for a minute then turned back towards my daughter and she was gone. For some reason I felt as if she had been kidnapped. *end*
The second part of the dream I heard a voice that said "What you think is the mark is not the mark. It is a birth mark that is visible and is the same under the skin running throughout the entire body. It is able to track who a person is" As the voice was speaking to me I could see what he were saying. I saw a birth mark but under the skin I saw like patches of the same birth mark unable to see with human eye for it is hidden under the skin. I saw it was able to be traced and was the size of a quarter and was all under the skin like a puzzle it connected together. It identified who a person was. *end*
The third part I was at a building and many people there I knew. I was traveling through and spoke to many there. I hugged one of them and thanked them for letting me stay. I then found myself at a house with a screen door. A boy allowed me to come and received what I had come to say. His parents were not happy I was there and their son had let me in. They then accepted me there and I thanked the boy and left. When I turned to look back through the screen door I saw the parents turning back to the way they were before. It sadden me very much. *end*
07/07/2004 - I was awaken at 4 am the other morning and these words came to me 'Welcome to Hell on Earth!"
09/25/2004 - I had a dream and saw wrapped dead bodies piled up by two huge doors. Look like they been through a flood. I saw one body in the pile of a small child with blond hair. When I awoke "famine" came to my mind.
09/27/2004 - I dream I saw a huge man that his head reach the heavens. The body was forming together. As it formed the flesh peeled back and I could see through the man like unto glass as the Spirit of the Lord was pouring through the head of this man.
* DREAMS - 2005
01/02/2005 - I had a dream I was in a grocery store. And I was telling people around me about the mark of the beast. They were mocking and laughing. I then grabbed a man's hand and swiped it across the scanner at the counter. And then I done another man's hand and said "See!"
02/19/2005 - I dreamed I was with a friend of mine, Brenda and we were heading to see another friend of mine named Ralph. When we came up to his home we saw many people out in his yard, driveway cars lined up down the road as far as my eyes could see. When we came to the door Ralph and his wife let us in. Ralph said to me "I guess you all are here for food also?" I said "No, we came to see you and your wife." Then he realized who I was. And they was very glad to see us and let us come in. They were feeding people from all over the world who were hungry and turning no one away. There were boxes of food everywhere ready for shipment. We sat down and talked about what was going on because something had happened to cause this famine and people were starving all over the world.
05/11/2005 - I dreamed, I was in the backseat of a car with two women in the front. We were talking and I kept asking who they were and if I knew them. They seemed familiar to me. When then I saw a car pull out infront of us but it suddenly stopped because the tires were sinking and melting in the pavement. A police officier was driving the other car. As I looked the pavement, it was like thick hot black tar and smoking was rising up from it as far as I could see up the road. Up ahead there was another car smoking like it had been on fire. I jump out of the car I was in and ran to see who was in the other car. People were panicing that was standing around watching as the passengers got out of the burning car. There were wedding gifts in the car. Adults and children got out of the car wearing white. The people standing around were in white also they were guests at this wedding. I started praying in tongues. I then found myself inside a building where the wedding was to take place. I began to pray again in tongues. A elderly woman came to me and started talking to me about money she owed me. I continued to pray. I told her I was praying. I felt a strong urge for me to keep praying. As people were rushing all around trying to get ready for this wedding.
05/15/2005 - I dreamed that the world was in chaos and divided over a man. Some believe he was "God" and some believed he was the Antichrist. Another man tried to bring peace by announced that the first man was "God" and for the world to build a image of of the first man.
05/21/2005 - I dreamed I saw a large number of people. They were either Korean, Chinese, or Japanese. They were watching something on a large screen and were in distress, great sorrow and horified by what they saw. They were crying and screaming out as they held on to one another. Something terrible had happened.
07/10/2005 - I dreamed the whole world was in battle, and was all a battle field. There was no sunlight and everything upon the earth was burned up and destroyed. There was smoke everywhere. It was not like the earth as we know, today. Everyone was dressed for battle. Fighting like in the days of old. I noticed that it was a battle between good and evil. My dream focused in on a man and woman battling like warriors against one another. She had long hair and was a christian with a sword in her hand adn wearing armour. And he was not a christian but was possessed. They fought viciously against one another. She swung her body around and used her sword and almost sever off his head and his body never hit the ground but was still standing. Then a demonic spirit came out of the slit in his throat. This demon spirit was huge like a giant dressed in armour like back in the times of old. It had long hair like a woman. When it came fully out is froze up like ice then fell face forward to the ground and turned to ashes, like dust. This is how it was all over the earth in my dream. Christians were battling the wicked and prevailing. No christian was hurt in my dream because they were not human but had changed from mortal to immortality. Only the wicked upon the earth was being taking out by the army of the Lord.
08/05/2005 - I had a dream that 3 men were on a plane. They had no shirts on and had traveled a long way. They were all poor upon this plane. It landed on a island and men and women dressed in church clothes (suits and dresses)ran out to meet the poor and demanded money of them in order to stay on this island. Their leader had glasses, heavy set, dark hair wearing a shirt and tie black pants and shoes. He had a evil grin and was full of greed. His people were going through the poors belongings like savages. Many came to this island by boat and plane and they would rob them of what they had. One poor person placed money in one of the first 3 poor men's hand and he looked at it and dropped it in the sand. I was very sadden by what I saw.
08/17/05 - I dreamed I could see above a statue with a arm lifted up towards the sky and it was cover with water half way. There was a flood like a sea all around it and three flying aircrafts above it.
10/17/2005 - I dreamed the world was in chaos. It was foggy everywhere and many were running and hiding out. It was in black and white but the vehicles where blue and silver and they hoovered above the ground. I ran inside a building to escape and there were many people I knew inside the building. I was trying to find my children and saw them but couldn't get to them. They didn't believe me that people were hunting me. I left the building and was surrounded by these vehicles that hoovered above the ground. And was forced into one of them. The driver told me to sign over my home. And I asked what for? And he said if you want to get out on weekends. I said get out from where? He said to the place I am taking you. I jumped out of the vehicle and hit the ground and started running up the side of the road, like a mountain, there was a path. I heard someone behind me and I hid in a space in the mountain. He passed by and then turned back to me and yelled "Do you have the mark? I said no. Then he said follow me. We ran down the other side of the mountain next to the road. And got inside of a building like house. My kids where there and my husband, and my mother. They hid me in a large pile of clothes, but they didn't hide theirselves. And the soldiers came in looking for me. I could see them through the clothes. When they left I got out and my mother was talking to my brother on the phone. I talked to him and started crying when I told him about the murders I saw. No one believed anything I was saying. I covered my hands with cloth and tape to keep my hands from being exposed. And I left and began to run and hide again to keep from being spotted by the soldiers. No one seem to take it seriously when I tried to tell many christians it was the endtime and we were being hunted. They laughed and mocked and would try to turn me in. I kept escaping and hiding out.
10/26/2005 - I dreamed I was in a large building and there was people everywhere. I knew many of them. There was huge windows all around. And there was extreme amounts of lightning and wind. It was as if it was inside and outside of the windows. It was a tornado like I had never seen before. A woman I knew told everyone to run into the center of the building like a sanctuary. Everyone began to run through two large doors. Once inside a pastor I knew was holding up serveral homemade blankets on a large pole with three other men trying to sale them. And I thought, this isnt the time to be doing this. Everyone was content and expecting this center room in this building to shelter and protect them, but I didn't believe this. And was upset for their behavior. I then found myself outside kneeled down by a tree. My hands were behind my back and tied. There was a man with a gun pointed at me between the fork of the tree. The scene played over and over about the bullet going through my forehead.
10/27/2005 - I dreamed I saw many men, women, and children lined up with their backs against a wall. There were men standing in front of them with axes. They swung their axes at the people against the wall. Some were hit in their heads, faces, necks, shoulders, and chest.
* DREAMS - 2006
9/3/2006 - I dreamed that I was at at a carnival or fair and there were people walking everywhere. I was stopping people trying to warn them to get prepared and make way for the Lord's coming. They would not listen and laughed and mocked. I tried to warn many people. Then I saw a large farris wheel and there were lots of people on the ride and around the ride. It began to break apart like legos and people were screaming as it crashed to the ground.
9/11/2006 - I dreamed that Jesus was here on the earth. There were many people following him wherever he went. He had wavy hair, slender, and was wearing a long robe. I was trying to get through the crowd. I reached out and He turned around and I fell into his arms wth my head on his chest. I. I could hear his heartbeat. I asked him about the ten lepers and if the nine that did not return to him got their lepersy back because they did not worship him? Jesus said to me "You know I am not like that " and he smiled. I asked Him, If I could call him, Father. And he smiled and said yes and hugged me. It was a hug I will never forget. Jesus was very calm and meek. He spoke very softly. Being in his presence was very comforting. Many followed him.
* DREAMS - 2007
1/18/2007 - I dreamed there were children everywhere downtown that were unruly and out of control. They were throwing things running the streets and spraying something red at everyone. I noticed the adults were not trying to stop them or correct them but just pulled up chairs and watch as these children terrorized the neighborhood. I stepped up in the midst of the adults and began to minister to them about how wrong it was to allow children to do such things. They adults began to weep.
2/08/2007 - I dreamed I was at the store and went to get milk but seen there was no milk. I ask a clerk where is all the milk and she said they didnt have any that no where in America was there any milk. I asked why not where did it all go? She said that it was sent all to Iraq or India. I then found myself at home and a friend of mine pulled up. I told her about the milk and I saw something to repair a sink that another friend had given to me.
* DREAMS - 2008
11/07/08 - I dreamed I saw a black man only his hands holding a picture frame and images kept flashing like a photo album behind the glass. I saw a black woman and she told the man not to be ashamed of his heritage. Then I saw a man standing on green grass, then the man walked away and Obama entered the picture in a white shirt.
11/18-08 - I had a dream about Obama and a voice said to me in my dream the cover of TIME Magazine is not a Christian. I went and looked to see who was on the cover & it was Obama.
* DREAMS - 2020
04/19/2020 - I dreamed I was in a store and was at the cash register. They refused my money and said it was no good. I looked and people were purchasing things with a grain of rice.
04/29/2020 - I dreamed my sister who is deceased was pregnant. There were four (4) children in the home. I called her doctor who was an older grey haired man in white coat and asked him to come and deliver the baby and he refused and told me to deliver it. I told him I could not. He would not come and insisted that I deliver the baby. I saw his P.A. at a nursng home with some students and I asked and begged her to come and she would not. She told me to do deliver it. I told her I could not. I was very upset that no one would come to deliver the baby. I then saw Jesus dressed as a surgeon in an operating room.
* DREAMS - 2022
7/14/2022 - I dreamed Christians were homeless and covered in ashes. The dreams was in black and white. They were trying to trade items they had for food.